
Laurie F. Berzack, MSW has more than a decade of professional matchmaking and coaching experience. She is a founding member of the international Matchmaker’s Alliance and a two-time Best Matchmaker finalist for the iDateAwards, the longest running trade show and largest business conference for the internet dating, matchmaking and social networking industry.

Laurie has hand-selected a talented team and grown Carolinas Matchmaker into a trusted resource for singles in the Carolinas and beyond.

Laurie enjoys serving as an expert source on relationships, modern dating and self-improvement for local and national media.

For press inquiries, contact

Oprah Magazine

Oprah Magazine

“Double texting is, quite literally, the act of sending one text then sending another before you get a response. “I have a client who calls it the ‘double bubble’ because you end up with two text ‘bubbles,’ one on top of the other,” says Laurie Berzack, a dating expert and matchmaker.”

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“Do you believe in karma?

“This is a good question to get to know someone, because it shows whether they believe there are consequences to their actions,” says Laurie Berzack, MSW, a relationship expert and dating coach. If a coworker screws them over at work, are they going to stay up for days stewing about how to get revenge, or are they more the type to forgive and forget?”

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US News & World Report

US News & World Report

“Meanwhile, Laurie Berzack, a matchmaker and dating coach at, also suggests trying to meet fairly quickly (in a public place, of course, and once you feel you have some chemistry). “Don’t let the conversation linger online. Take it offline and set up a date. You are on there to find a relationship, not a pen pal,” Berzack says.”

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“Even if you feel like you’ve moved on and your current relationship status shows that you have, you might still need a little more time to fully heal. Just because you moved on, doesn’t mean the remorse or grief over the dissolved relationship totally disappears,” Laurie Berzack, MSW, matchmaker and dating coach, tells Bustle. “You may still be grieving a relationship that you were once attached to. Taking some time to clear out negative feelings towards your ex and your past relationship can help you fully heal and move forward with your current one.”

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Remember how you would have a last-minute drink date or go out for pizza at 2 a.m. when you first started dating? Well, bring some of that back. “People get so stuck in their routines, and in addition to kids, work, etc., these routines can get in the way of your relationship,” says Laurie-Berzack. Switch it up. “Change your routines! Take up a new activity with your partner, whether that is running or playing tennis,” she says.

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The Charlotte Observer

The Charlotte Observer

“Why go old-school matchmaker in the tech-savvy days of online dating? Online dating isn’t for everyone. I keep a very small client base and when my clients come to me, I really listen to what they’re saying. I don’t show pictures or give last names. That way there’s no Googling before the first date. And they give it a really fair shot. Plus, I arrange everything. They just have to show up.”

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Axios Charlotte (Formerly Charlotte Agenda)

Axios Charlotte (Formerly Charlotte Agenda)

“Along with matchmaking, Berzack also offers a range of online dating services, including an extensive three-month online dating coaching program.”

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Charlotte Five

Charlotte Five

“People should think of matchmaking as an opportunity,” Berzack said. “I believe there is a lid for every pot. Sometimes people just need to sit down with me so I can convince them of that.”

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“Best advice, throw out those cell phones. Put the phones away, put away the social media, put some boundaries around when you’re going to be online and really try to connect with your partner. Communication is the number one thing in a marriage and if you don’t have it you might as well toss it out the window.”

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“What is ghosting and why do people do it?

It really is not the best way to handle it. I think that the best way to handle it is to say, listen, I really enjoyed going out with you but right now I am looking for my life partner and I do not think we are a love match.”

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Charlotte Five

Charlotte Five

“The sad thing is, I used to host monthly meetups where I’d have 250 people at a brewery show up,” said Laurie Berzack, owner of Charlotte-based Carolinas Matchmaker. “In person, there are a lot of organic ways to find connection. But we don’t have that now. It’s so hard to flirt with a mask on. You have to basically wink now.”

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Charlotte Ledger

Charlotte Ledger

Laurie Berzack, founder of Carolinas Matchmaker, typically hosts meetups as a way to help Charlotte-area singles connect. As a social distancing alternative, Berzack launched a Facebook group last week called “Singles in the Carolinas.” After just 48 hours, it had 457 members. The page’s popularity tracks with national trends: Dating apps have reported a sharp increase in activity since global restrictions on interaction kicked in.

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Thrive Global

Thrive Global

“As we grapple with the upheaval created by the coronavirus, I’d like to offer some much-needed good news: you don’t have to put your love life on hold while everything around you gets postponed or canceled. Virtual dating makes it easy to stay on track with your love life without setting foot outside your house. “

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“Reflecting on her career, Laurie said she is happy to use her empathetic nature to help people. She feels she understands her clients and knows what they need to hear to prepare themselves for love.”

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Northern Virginia Magazine

Northern Virginia Magazine

“It’s really compelling work for me, it’s challenging.” Berzack says about taking on female clients over the age of 50. “A lot of matchmakers don’t work with women but the women I work with are great. Normally when someone in their 50s or older hires me, she’s fit, active, vibrant and intelligent. She’s special, so I need to find the right male counterpart.”

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The Charlotte Post

The Charlotte Post

“I mean that’s what a relationship is all about, in essence, [asking] some of the hard questions and having conversations with some stuff you may not want to know,” Berzack explained. “And then you get to be curious: ‘OK, so you didn’t have a [COVID] vaccination. Tell me more. What was your thinking around that? And listen with an open mind and see what they have to say and kind of go from there.”

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